Monday, April 25, 2011

My Grand Plan

                                 That night, a fire started in Caroline's house.

                 Caroline would have died if I hadn't had testingcheatsenabled on and was able to get rid of her "on fire" negative moodlet. The fire almost spread to Aaron's crib as well. For the first time, I was truly scared for my sims.

                    Caroline was badly singed, but she was just glad her baby was ok.

NOTE: I didn't get a picture of this, but I had Ruby move out. the House was just getting too crowded. Besides, adoptees are supposed to leave once they become adults (Caroline being an exception)

 On a lighter note, Caroline proposed to Greggory, but only because she had a wish to do so.

See, the House has a strict no men policy, so Aaron and Greggory will have to go at some point. I will most likely move them into a nearby house once Aaron becomes a child (he is a toddler). But I do want Caroline to have a child with her at the House, so I will have Greg and Caroline have another baby and hope its a girl.

                                               fingers crossed!


  1. Have her eat watermelons! It works!

  2. I did

    also, I forgot to mention it, but Diamond moved out too.
