Sunday, April 17, 2011


    This is Lizzie Sutherland! Lizzie loves children, but she has always hated the idea of "love". Many men found her very attractive over the years. They have asked her to date, woohoo, and even marry them. She has declined all of these offers. Anyway, Lizzie decided her hatred of love, and men in general, wasn't going to stop her from having children. She decided to open up a foster home for girls, and girls only. Lizzie's traits are family oriented, unflirty, good, perfectionist, and I don't remember her last trait . Her LTW is "Surrounded By Family".

           This is Caroline! She is the oldest of the girls (a young adult, you can hardly call her a girl anymore!) But I keep her around so she can tend to the garden in the backyard. I feel a little guilty because I got Caroline solely for this purpose. I got her as a child, and then used cheats to age her up to a YA. Seems cruel, but she seems to enjoy her life as a gardener. She mastered the gardening skill very quickly (might of had something to do with her "green thumb" trait.)

                This is Ruby! She is actually a teen at the moment, but I only have a picture of her as a child.
             She is Lizzie's first child.

                    This is Diamond!


                       This is Crystal!


           This is Jade! She is clapping her hands for reasons only Zeus knows.

           They all live in the SuperBunker, from The Splines sims 3 blog.


  1. Aieeee, you started a blog! FINALLY!!!!!!!

  2. Also, are you going to be doing a heir-like think? Like, when Lizzie dies, will you have someone else lined up to take her place?

  3. probably no one who is currently in the house. After all, Lizzie is still a young adult. Most likely a future adoptee.

  4. You'll choose your favorite of the group?

  5. I don't know, I'll start thinking about that once Lizzie becomes an elder
